
Alison Abruzzi

WHO WE ARE  /  Alison Abruzzi

Alison Abruzzi

  • Yoga Instructor

Ali is a life-long seeker who has discovered that the greatest gifts of healing and peace lie within. With a light-filled and open-hearted class, Ali’s ultimate aim is to connect her students to the divine birthright of joy and health inherent in all of us. Through breathing techniques, meditative movements, creative visualizations, and immense gratitude, Ali believes in making yoga accessible to all. Her classes are fundamental in nature, focusing on basic poses, proper alignment, and slow, flowing sequences harmonizing breath, body, and mind.   Ali is a Shakti certified yoga teacher, a certified Shake Your Soul: The Yoga of Dance facilitator, and a certified Kripalu Yoga in the Schools instructor.

 For more information about Ali or her class contact  or call (845) 853-9199.